Andrew “The Captain” Robison
Fueled by a relentless pursuit to understand why things are as they are and what makes people tick, Andrew is constantly asking questions to unpack the story. Timelines, personal stories and historical context are what gets our fearless leader out of bed every morning. Other passions include:
Cutting, glueing, screwing and staining wood
Swimming, biking and running without changing shorts
Brining, trimming, smoking and eating meat
Watching, discussing, critiquing and dreaming about Survivor
Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch. - Luke 5:4
Thaddeus “The Professor” Romansky
Dr. Thaddeus Romansky, PhD is the most experienced team member with the odd task of listening to himself through gigantic headphones. Formerly the Catholic radio station manager, Dr. Romansky is now the Director of Ed and Development at the RED-C Apostolate. Thaddeus loves putting historical pieces together like an audio connect the dots game. Other passions include:
Reading and writing about dead people
Mixing and drinking like the saints
Swinging his lacrosse stick as fast as he can
Raising his 5 mini-me’s to carry their own la”crosse”
Matt “The Storyteller” Bond
Inspired by all things creative and with a relentless pursuit of the unheard, untold, and forgotten. Matt digs, digs and digs a little more while connecting dots just like a complicated game of…connect the dots. Exploring, searching and a lack of fear of the unknown keeps our story teller in a constant state of “what if.” Other passions include:
Taking things apart and forgetting how to put them back together. Also known as breaking stuff.
All things that move really, really fast
Hitting small balls with a really long stick
Looking at pages, with words for a really long time
To be is to do! -Socrates
Rhen “The Sound Guy” Hoehn
Driven by a love of audio production, Rhen began listening to podcasts in 2006 and is in relentless pursuit of great stories that show how generations past lived their lives and served others around them. He may not say much, but he’ll make sure you hear what the others have to say. The opportunity to pass on stories, legends, and great bloopers keep him coming back to run the board each time we record. Other passions include:
Turning seeds into food
Turning food scraps into eggs
Loud, fast music
Quiet, remote forests
“I’m a writer more than I am a talker.” –Wendell Berry